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Opal Cards for High School students

It seems that with the changeover from paper tickets to opal cards, there has been some confusion as to what exactly the students are eligible for and the best way for them to purchase tickets and get the discounted travel. There are two types of Opal Cards for High School students, which does make things more confusing.

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Marketing Trip to China

Marketing Trip to China

Sarah and May recently had the opportunity to visit Beijing and meet with a number of Education Agents who assist students with their school and homestay applications. It is always nice to meet people who we usually only communicate with via email and put faces to the names. This trip also gave us the opportunity to explain our procedures and discuss cultural differences. We hope that this will assist the agents to better prepare their students for their time in Australia.

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New Working with Children Checks

New Working with Children Checks

The new system has now commenced and seems to be going well. It is going to make it so much easier for our host families to receive clearances that will last 5 years. Remember all new hosts and current hosts needing to renew will be required to follow the new process. Oz Homestay will not be undertaking this process (as in the past) on behalf of host families.

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