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Work with Oz Homestay

Study Tours

Homestay Placements
- Oz Homestay will find the host family that best matches any special requirements that you have.
- The host family will provide you with a furnished room, including one bed, a study desk and lamp, clothes hanging space and heating (if necessary).
- All linen (sheets and towels etc) will be provided and washed regularly.
- Breakfast and dinner 7 days per week, lunches on weekends.
- Access to the common areas of the home will be given.
- The homestay family will be located within 45 minutes travel time to your study location (all transport is subject to peak hour delays).
- Homestay does not include internet, printing, computers, telephone costs, weekday lunches and other personal items.

Welfare Arrangements

Airport Pickup
Important Info!

DEC Certificate
Oz Homestay is proud to be a fully certified Homestay Provider for NSW Government Schools and the NSW Department of Education. » View DEC Certificate as a PDFLatest News
Information on renewing Working With Children Check WWC for Hosts +
Apply your Working with Children Check The Working with Children Check (WWCC) is a requirement for anyone who works or volunteers in child-related work in NSW. It involves a National Police Check (criminal history record check) and a review of reportable workplace misconduct. Results of a National Police Check can… READ_MORE
It is the responsibility of all Oz Homestay approved homestay families, to ensure your home and contents are insured appropriately and that it covers damage caused by, or injuries to, students living in your home. All homestay families should check the details of your cover with your insurance company. Should… READ_MORE -
2020 Special Notice +
Oz Homestay is continuing to provide support and training during the COVID-19 outbreak. We are working to ensure we can continue to deliver high-quality care and relevant information to our students and homestay families, our staff and partner institutions. As of 1st October 2020 we have adopted the following approaches:… READ_MORE -
Work Permission for High School Students +
There seems to be an increasing concern from hosts, and also schools, that many students are working, often for 'cash jobs.' The students therefore are working illegally and could face the possibility of having their visas cancelled if caught by the Department of Home Affairs. This is part of an… READ_MORE
Student Road and Fire Safety Tips +
Road Safety – Look out Before you Step Out It’s easy to become complacent about road safety, especially on walks that are familiar to us. Taking risks and not being mindful of road safety can have serious consequences, which sadly has happened to some of our students in the past. Before… READ_MORE
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